Kenya Danino is the creator of the Animal Arithmetic franchise who goes by the popular penname of KDFoxx. KD is a black multimedia illustrator and concept artist from Queens, New York. She draws inspiration for her work from sharp, heavy and bold moods in Graffiti, nitty and gritty Japanese Anime, dystopian literature, well as emotional, painterly and whimsical atmospheres of children’s books and animations. KD’s eclecticism allows her to exercise extreme versatility in style and storytellling as a creative. Her past mentors include acclaimed storytellers Peter De Seve, Terryl Whitlatch, Thomas Astruc and Hiroyuki Asada.
Currently, she's a full time freelancer and NYC Teacher's Assistant who's graduated Boston College with a BA in Studio Art and two minors in African Diaspora Studies and Creative Writing. Her primary goal as an artist, educator and poet is to create quality works of art that speak of untold, unexplored truths in the world we live in. Her main topics of interest and focus involve what makes people human in amazing and terrible ways.
Animal Arithmetic is a visually reimagined version of her self published college thesis "Kingdom Animalia: The Poetry Beastiary." The official manga/graphic novel debuts mid year 2021.